Saturday, January 02, 2010

Myers Briggs

One of my favourite quizzes that uses the 4 letter code is the Keirsey Temperment because they identify famous historical people with the same Myers Briggs code as yourself.  Also if you get the opportunity to participate in a True Colors or Personality Dimensions quiz these are also based on this coding system but the process has been simplified into 4, not 16, types or groups to choose from.

One client wanted to be a bartender but her personality quiz results kept pointing her in the direction of an elementary or preschool teacher.  After much frustration on her part and lots of discussion, we discovered that she had very different definitions for the words used in the quizzes and that was causing the mixed up results.

I am really interested in knowing which quizzes you found to be the most accurate.  Were there any surprises or a – ha moments for anyone?  Did you feel like all the quizzes are way off base? 

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