So now you have all 8 descriptions of the Motivation Types which are your top 2? How does that line up with your work, your volunteer experiences, your partner? My theory is our motivation also drives our choice of partner.
Anything in italics comes from Barbara Moses' book "What Next? The complete guide to taking control of your working life" 2003. I highly recommend purchasing the book and completing the excercises in full.
There are strengths associated with each motivational type, as well as potential trouble spots and common conflicts.
Ideally work will satisfy both your major and minor motivators. Commonly, however, our motivators may conflict. Consider the following dilemmas.
“I want to get ahead (career builder) and I want to be available for my kids during the day (lifestyler).”
“I am easily bored (novelty seeker) and I want financial security (stability seeker).”
“I want to run my own show (autonomy seeker) and I want to be part of a team (sociability seeker).”
It would be great to hear if anyone has solutions to their conflicts. Thanks for sharing!
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