Sunday, January 17, 2010

Generalist vs Specialist

Are you a generalist or a specialist? Receive the free newsletter to find out and then you can follow the discussion.

An example, my degree is in Education, elementary education.  Elementary teachers need to be able to teach every subject.  Teaching many subjuect areas is a sign of a generalist.  Secondary teachers usually teach only one or two subjects and their courses in university coalesced into a major and a minor.  My major was elementary. Secondary teachers usually specialize into one or two topic areas over the years.  

My father, a die hard generalist, changed the subjects he taught as a high school teacher every 5 years during a 30 year career.  He was a scanner adapting in a world of specialists.  It worked well for him but some people were unsure of his professional actions.  He is not a typical man nor was he a typical teacher - not a bad thing in this case but he did face some resistance from administration for being atypical.

Do you have an example you could share?

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