Sunday, January 24, 2010

Self Assessment

Has anyone had an experience where it was the right career but the wrong place?

My first exposure to career advisors was eons ago when I first left teaching. I was so dissatisfied with their lack of help that I complained loudly to their funder, which resulted in one staff member being fired. (In my opinion they even managed to fire the wrong guy.) I would never have worked in the career counselling field until I landed in the Comox Valley and read a job description that caught my attention and the rest is history. 15 years later I am still loving my work as a career counsellor.  I am glad that I didn't assume all career counselling places were unprofessional.

The cartoon is also a great way to think about transferable skills.

Does anyone know someone who almost missed out on their best job?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Campbell Duke said...

Not only did I teach high school - I supervised cheerleading. The cartoon brings back memories!