Saturday, January 02, 2010

Thinker or Feeler?

A client dealt with his career change by making a list of all the potential places he could apply for work. A very logical approach to job search. He designed the list so as to start at the top and work his way to the bottom where the most sought after employer was. His logical theory was that he would rather practice looking for work on the companies he least likely wanted to work for and instead have well honed job search skills by the time he arrived at his employer of choice. The default position was that took the pressure off and even a less than perfect company might offer him a position, which wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Look around your world and think about who you would like to work with? Feelers respond to values and the relationships developed at work. Thinkers can use this same technique or looking for people they would like to work with because they will gravitate towards other Thinkers and appreciate their logical way of performing daily tasks. How does your T or F effect how you find a job? Tell me a story from how you got a job in the past. Do you have a logical job search plan? Do you apply for a job at a place where it just feels right? How does your preference for making decisions effect your job/career search?

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